
One Night in Dublin

Just imagine you have only 30 minutes for shopping in a new exciting city and only one night to spend some time exploring night life. leaving next day at 10:50. Would you sleep even you had a the best hotel in the city? I couldn't. At night, all the nice bars invites you to drink Quinnes - mothers milk, as Irish says.

I learned interesting thing about Irish mans. The conversations are peppered with strong sence of pretty dry humor and seems to be kind of raw. So I tryed this strategy immediately using "fack off" on some attempt of drunked irish mans trying to start street conversation. It worked out pretty fast... Those guys started to sharpen their ears and talk just a little bit too much. I really felt like I was an irish girl. Unfortunately, I could barely understand what they were talking about. I was pretty happy to be surrounded with my two nice companions and I really needed to feel protected. The night life seems to be active and crazy as in Prag.

The party temper of all those partying people doesn't let you go. The worst thing can happen to you...they close fullest partys at 3:00 am. I just started to have a fun and it was almost over. Then, some folks move to other locations where the party time is longer.

I prefered to stay at the hotel bar talking to some drunk fun footbal players from Belfast feeling kind of united due the fact that either Slovakia nor Irish made them qualified for championship.

Woke up at 6 am to enjoy some fresh foto session exploring dublin's shopping windows and dreaming about to try&buy some those crazy shoes one day.

Piraten Party Pictures

Sir Edward Teach attended to our Party and unfortunately left pretty early due business emergency. So we didn't catch his story.

Was los? Marta Gal und Rolf Schwabe

Tantrix aka Paul Makepeace chillin

Nik chillin

In a nature, everything seems to move towards sun.

This looks like sunset trance

Sunset comming

after sunset arrivals

Celebrating Sunrise


Surfing Golden Gate Bridge

here we go with some pics of guys surfing under the Golden Gate Bridge

Surfing Golden Gate Bridge

Thanks to Mike.